Derivation of Fokker-Planck equation (Kramers-Moyal expansion)
Derivation of Fokker-Planck equation (Kramers-Moyal expansion)#
(This page is heavily based on Sections 4.1, 4.3 and 4.7 in Risken.)
Kramers-Moyal expansion (1D)#
Obtain expression for \(p(t + τ, x | x', t)\) for small \(τ\).
Assuming all moments of \(p(t + τ, x | x', t)\) exist, we can formally write them
We now construct the characteristic function
and apply the inverse transform to get back the probability
With the following two identities,
we can rewrite (3) as
Substituting back into (2),
We now assume that each moment can itself be expanded to first order:
The zero order term must vanish, since we have \(p(t,x|t,x') = δ(x-x')\) and therefore all moments vanish at \(t=t'\).
which leads to the Kramers-Moyal expansion:
Pawula theorem#
The Kramers-Moyal expansion (Eq. (5)) either
stops on the first term;
stops on the second term;
contains an infinite number of terms.
If it stops after the second term it is called a Fokker-Planck equation.
A drift-diffusion process with Gaussian noise has an associated Fokker-Planck equation.
A jump process does not have an associated Fokker-Planck equation.